Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Brandon Sanderson Creative Writing 2012

So for my MOOC, I chose a class that I've been helping organize this past summer: Brandon Sanderson Creative Writing. Here's the description from my website:

There’s a group of us who are going to be semi-hardcore and try our best to follow along with the lectures as they come out, submit 1000 words weekly, and finish writing 50,000 words by the end of the summer. If this sounds like you then this is your place.
You can post without being a member but if you want to become a member, there’s a box somewhere that lets you apply for memberships. This board exists primarily for weekly submissions and craft related questions, not random discussions of random things. But please feel free to peruse, we’ve got a great community going. 
Just so new members know though, about 60 of the members who joined before May 20 have been assigned into writing subgroups. Sadly, we will not be creating any more subgroups this summer. Sorry. But you can still join the main forum!
Let there be dragons—
So essentially there are three components to this MOOC

  1. The lecture videos:
  2. The online forum:!forum/brandon-sanderson-creative-writing-online-2012
  3. The writing subgroups. These writing groups are simply a collection of blogs that the writers post to weekly. Currently we have around 6 active groups with some 50 or so people, and roughly 20 of those have been posting about every week. So it's relatively small scale, but still cool
So I'm not quite sure if my little class qualifies as a Massive Open Online Class, but certainly at least an open online class. I'm excited to hear some of your guys ideas on where I should go next with this, so please let me know!

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